
The New Colorado MOST: Effective April 16, 2019

Based on your feedback in concert with dynamics in the national POLST movement, CADC has updated the Colorado MOST form. It is available for download here as of April 16, 2019–National Healthcare Decisions Day. Download the form and the instruction booklet below, and read the FAQs.

Updated MOST Form

Updated MOST Instruction Booklet


Summary of Changes to MOST Form 2015

Then watch this informational video by CADC Co-Chair, David Koets, MD, outlining the changes to the form.



About CADC

The Colorado Advance Directives Consortium (CADC) is an informal organization of professionals in healthcare, senior services, law, and ethics dedicated to improving the tools and processes for healthcare decision making in Colorado.

Since 2006, the CADC has played key roles in revising the Colorado CPR directive regulations and the Living Will statute, and launching the Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment program.

The CADC is currently working with other stakeholder organizations to offer education on the program to emergency medical responders, long-term care facilities, hospitals, home health, and hospice agencies. Widespread education and “buy-in” is needed to fully implement the program.To request a training, click here; to receive information on upcoming trainings and educational opportunities, subscribe to our newsletter.

IMPORTANT: The Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment program has been in effect in Colorado since passage of the “Directives Concerning Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment” statute (C.R.S. 15-18.7-101-110) in 2010. (See MOST in Colorado page.) No patient or provider is required to complete a MOST form, however, when presented with a MOST, healthcare providers MUST:

  • follow the orders as written, or
  • obtain consent from patient or authorized decision maker to change the orders, or
  • promptly and safely transfer the patient to a provider who will follow the orders.

As our education initiative is ongoing, the MOST form may not be immediately recognized by all healthcare providers in the state. You can help us educate your colleagues, providers, and provider partners by directing them to this site and to the educational programs.

For questions or to participate in the statewide roll-out, please contact Colorado Advance Directives Consortium, via email: Dr. David Koets or CADC committee member, Holly LeMaster.

Autumn in Colorado