MOST Downloads

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Standardized Colorado MOST, Updated April 2015 

NOTE: We recommend that you photocopy the Standardized Colorado MOST Form, 2-sided, onto Wausau Astrobrights(R) Vulcan Green or Terra Green 65-lb. paper. Find sources for this paper here. However, plain white photocopies, faxes, and scans are all valid. You may duplicate the Instruction booklet for your staff or provider partners; you may add your logo to the cover, if you like. You may NOT edit, alter, or add to the content.

MOST Instruction Booklet, Updated April 2015

If you have suggestions for changes to the booklet content, please contact us by email.

MOST Supplemental Review Form
NEW! MOST Patient-Family Brochure for Facilities

A two-page handout you can print at your facility and use as a patient/resident information sheet. Explains the MOST and how it is used to document and communicate important treatment decisions. Offers general information on the major sections of the form. To be use in facilities to help patients, residents, and family members understand what the MOST is and why it is important.


We are collecting and answering questions about the form, implementation of the program, and other issues. This is a working document — keep checking back for updates! Some questions addressed:

  • Is there a Spanish version of the MOST?
  • What if we run out of slots to record reviews and there are no changes to the form?
  • Is it possible to select “NO CPR” and “Full Treatment”? What about “YES CPR” and “Comfort Measures Only”?
  • And much more!
MOST Talking Points, Updated April 2015

Talking points for healthcare providers

Talking points for consumers

Checklist for MOST implementation in residential and long term care facilities (updated April 2015)
New Spanish MOST Form, Front Page (updated April 2015)

The MOST is intended as a communication tool between the patient and healthcare providers and between healthcare providers themselves, such as nursing facilities and EMS. As English is the primary language of healthcare in Colorado, a Spanish-language MOST would not be helpful as a communication tool. The official MOST form, signed by a physician/APN/PA and patient or patient’s authorized surrogate decision maker MUST be the two-sided, English-language form. However, as a tool to facilitate discussion and reassure Spanish-speaking patients, we have created a Spanish version of the front side of the form. The Spanish version is not an actionable medical order; it is only to be used in discussion of choices.

Special thanks to Kaiser Permanente CO Diversity Program, especially Jorge J. Avendano-Curiel and Bridget Darden, for making this translation available!